NOTE: I do not support Mr. Trump!
A Sad and Irrational Irony
Inaction fostered by division
grinds the nation down.
A sad and irrational irony
grips the nation
angered by inaction.
Anger fosters division
Division fosters inaction
Inaction fosters anger
“I’m not angry!”
shouts the parking lot youth
spittle spraying from his lips
“I’m not angry!”
“I’m not!”
“I’m . . . .”
A sad and irrational irony
grips the nation
ground down
In the background
the theologian says
God is the ground of being
infinitely transcending
that of which
God is the ground.
A nation
angered by
ground down
to the ground
an irrational irony
no longer sad
= C. Eric Funston
7 October 2016
Inspired by a story told on Facebook by Connie Schultz.
NOTE: I repeat, I do not support Mr. Trump!
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