Occasional thoughts of an Anglican Episcopal priest

I Am Really Angry! Get Rush Limbaugh Off the Air!

OK – I’ve had a long day today – up at 5 a.m. to get ready to preside and preach at two church services. Arrange to make a hospital call (which turned out to be unnecessary). Nurse my knee (on which a meniscectomy and cartillage repair was performed last Wednesday). Set up the church dining room for a Lenten soup supper and study program, and then lead that program, and then oversee the tearing-down and cleaning-up afterward. It was a long, but rewarding day of parish ministry.

But then I read this blog by a mother whose daughter was bullied at school this last week – called a “slut” by classmates because she takes birth control – something that they got wind of because some adult on a band trip violated a confidence. I was a band parent – I was president of our children’s band parents boosters group. I know about permission slips and medication supervision and confidentiality. Having been a practicing attorney (and still a member of the Bar) and being a priest, I have a vested interest in confidentiality! So its violation bothers me … a lot.

AND THIS STORY JUST PISSES ME OFF! Maybe it’s just because I’m tired at the end of a long day … but I have a daughter, too. If this had happened to her, I’d have turned into a raving lunatic and sought out those who had humiliated her and probably done them harm. (Yeah, I know, clergy aren’t supposed to think or do such things … but I’m pretty sure I would have!) Some adult on the band trip has a lot to answer for, as do the bullies who abused this young lady and their parents … and mostly Rush Limbaugh and those who idolize his brand of insensitive bullshit! The Republican candidates and office holders who have failed to denounce his treatment of Sandra Fluke also bear responsibility. This just has to stop and a good place to start stopping it is to get that jackass removed from the airwaves!


  1. insatiabletracy

    Im with you! That mentality is poison for a society. Period. I hate it. Nine advertisers have pulled out. Rush had been extremely rude for a looong time, incase no one has noticed. President Obama has been refered to as, “Barack the Magic Negro”. That Republican fringe is super rude.

  2. Leslie Upchurch

    My daughter went on birth control in high school for severe acne. I have nothing against birth control but she was not sexually active then. This entire debate is ridiculous. The only good thing is that it will most likely ensure an Obama victory in November.

  3. Caitlin Funston


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